Caleb, age 11
TIS writer of 2 years

Caleb is a prolific and dedicated writer and creator at our studio, attending over a dozen classes weekly and producing amazing writing, art pieces, videos, and comics in each one. His work ethic is unmatched, but he’s also quick-witted, kind, and a great friend to his fellow Ink Spotters!

Caleb, what do you like most about being a student at TIS?

It’s nice to have a place to make friends and hang out while learning and growing in my writing. Also, at TIS, I’ve found more ways to discover and embrace my passions for other things like poetry and acting. I love being at the studio because it feels like a second home. I’ve made great friends and my teachers are the best.

What are your favorite classes here?

My favorite classes are Video Production because I like to make videos, Art & Writing Unite because I like making cool art pieces and writing about them, Improv & Scene Writing because I like writing scripts and acting. I also enjoy Book Club because I get to read enjoyable books and share my thoughts on them with friends.

How has your learning at our studio helped you at school or in other endeavors?

Being at The Ink Spot helped with my communication skills. Now I’m a better speaker and debater, especially when we talk about the books we’re reading in Book Club. I now find it fun to talk about my thoughts on the book and characters. I have grown so much as writer. Before I joined, my writing was basic and now the way I write really shows my passion for writing. I can easily add details that I couldn’t add before. I have also grown as a writer because I enjoy writing much more now.

When you’re not at TIS creating iconic characters and delighting us with your hilarious improv performances what do you spend your time doing?

I love cooking; it’s one of my favorite things to do. I love making sushi, eggs, and rice. Also I love editing; it’s fun taking a bunch of videos and making it in one video that tells a story. I love writing songs because it’s like poetry but include more ways to create rhythms.

Caleb’s wonderful mom Alena says:
”Caleb has developed a passion to write all kinds of things. Writing is exciting to him now. I see a very creative side to him when it comes to his writing that he didn’t have before. The Ink Spot has such amazing teachers and students. My son is excited to go and never wants to miss a class. He has made wonderful friends in his classes. He is always so happy when I pick him up to tell me about everything he has learned. The Ink Spot has been a blessing for our family. ”