Melina, age 13
TIS writer of 7 years

Melina is a multitalented, thoughtful writer who has made her unforgettable mark on our studio over the last seven years! She brings wisdom, logic, kindness, and a remarkable writing talent to all her classes at TIS. Read on to learn more about this long-term Ink Spotter!

Melina, what are your favorite class and camp themes here at The Ink Spot?

Speech and Debate has been one of my favorite classes. I love learning researching techniques, and getting to write about real world current events. Language Arts and Creative Writing are also favorites. We get to learn foundational writing techniques, and it's just so much fun. In terms of camps, Entrepreneurs Week! It's such a unique opportunity for students; there's art, there's writing, there's even a little bit of math. And everyone feels so accomplished by the end of the week.

How has your learning at TIS helped support you academically or otherwise?

I use what I’ve learned at TIS every time I write. I was very young when I started at the studio, but I know that I wouldn't be nearly as strong of a writer now if it wasn't for TIS. I have also met so many great people, and made unique connections with students. That couldn’t have happened anywhere else.

You’ve achieved so much and created countless amazing pieces of writing in your time here! Do you have a favorite?

My "You Should Know About" speech on period poverty from Speech and Debate last year. I really felt like I was bringing awareness to people about a real world issue that needs solving. I also learned so much doing that project that I wouldn't know if I'd never that speech. I really enjoyed writing it and putting everything I had learned while researching into words. I'm also very proud of all of our debates from last year. It was really fun to collaborate with other students and learn how to properly debate.

You have some of the most varied interests of anyone at our studio! Can you tell us a few?

I’ve played cello for a year and a half, and I’ve played piano for eight years. I also figure skate! I’m interested in science, and I’m interested in getting my pilots license. I also recently picked up the hobby of crocheting!

Melina’s marvelous parents Vincent and Maggie say:
”Melina has broadened her horizons as a writer in all ways - technically and creatively, and she has gained insight and critical thinking skills in every class. She has a solid grasp on grammar and comprehension and even has achieved among the highest MAPS Test scores in reading. The Ink Spot has been a haven. It’s an environment of good teachers fostering an environment of good kids. My daughter has developed great friendships and it’s really bridged a gap for us as homeschooling parents by providing other positive influences on her education at a reasonable price.”