Sam, age 16
TIS writer of 2 years

To know Sam is to be in awe of his powerful writing and delighted by his kind and thoughtful approach to every class and interaction. Sam is a natural leader, always guiding others with his positive presence. Read on below to learn more about our talented student.

Sam, can you tell us about your favorite TIS class?

I like all the classes I'm in, but my favorite this year is probably Mock Trial. It's been really fun learning how to gather evidence, interview witnesses, formulate a strategy, and debate a case. I also love Teen Creative Writing, because it's a great outlet to share my writing and grow as a writer.

We’re so glad you joined us at TIS a couple years ago. What brought you to our studio?

During the pandemic, I felt really isolated at home, and lost contact with a lot of friends. We were struggling to find places for me to go and things for me to do, especially since we live in a such a rural area. When we found The Ink Spot, I was so happy, because it was a place to meet new people and have fun while learning. My fondness for it has only grown since then, and I can't imagine the past couple years without my classes at the studio. The atmosphere at the studio is always great: it feels like I'm among friends. You're allowed to be yourself and ask questions.

You’ve accomplished so much in your time here. Can you highlight a few favorite projects or things you’ve learned?

We had a unit in Creative Writing based on Utopia vs. Dystopia. It challenged us to think of how a world that seems perfect could turn to a world that seems hopeless, and vice-versa. My project was called the Isle, and it ended up being much longer than I expected at about 3,000 words. It's about the main character discovering a terrible secret about his world, and struggling to come to grips with it. The themes of the unit and my teacher’s guidance really helped me flesh out the idea of the story and how I could improve it. I've also learned to write villanelles, songs, flash fiction, identify Situational, Verbal, and Dramatic Irony, what plagiarism is, how to be a lawyer and a witness in a mock trial, and so much more.

And finally, what do you like to do when you aren’t winning mock trials and creating fiction masterpieces at The Ink Spot?

I love strategy games (both physical and virtual), history, and really all things language-related (including foreign languages. Mainly German, but also a teensy bit of French.)

Sam’s lovely mom Robin says:
”The Ink Spot Studio was a game changer for us. Sam has found a place where he feels both comfortable and challenged in the best possible way. He had an interest in and aptitude for writing, but needed both challenge and structure. We found both with The Ink Spot. His writing is more focused and articulate, especially when it comes to expressing nonfiction concepts and ideas. He has gained confidence and developed a strong writing voice. The thought, creativity and energy that goes into the programs offered is always above and beyond and he has grown socially as well as intellectually under the care and tutelage of his teachers there. They are consistently fresh and vibrant in their approach to learning, while earning the respect of their students and returning it in kind.”